Monday, February 06, 2006

Hell On Horseback...

I almost died.

Oh sure, I'm being a bit dramatic, but the fact remains that I seriously could have died.

So there I was, in the middle of a swampy forest, on the back of this unpredictable hellion, seeing my short life flash before my eyes---all the while struggling to maintain a cool and calm exterior as not to be the laughing stock of the group.

It was about that time that I realized I might not come out of the forest alive.

I envisioned such gruesome images as my poor lifeless body being pummeled again and again by the sharp death-hooves of my hellion steed, or being impaled by a jagged tree-stump, or my personal favorite, dieing of embarrassment when I find out that the horse I'm on is like 100 in horse years.

Here is a list of the methods the evil hellion used to try and rid the world of me:

Bucking (at least 3 times)
Picking the smallest gap between trees to go through
Turning circles under an extremely low branch
Trying to kick the horse behind me, causing my butt to go rocketing out of the saddle
Trying to bite the little pony right next to me, and then dashing away (drastic changing of directions)

Obviously, I didn't die, I even ended up coming out of the dark, mucky forest physically intact.

As I was heading back to the barn, I realized that I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Odd as it sounds, the adrenaline rush was amazing, and the feeling of complete helplessness was actually pretty refreshing. How often do I participate in something that is life threatening, or at the very least, could result in serious injury? Not often.

As a result of this new revelation, I have resolved to participate in a life threatening activity at least once a month.

Next up:

Leaving the house without my ipod...

Gosh, a little part of me died just typing that.


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