Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Of Mistakes, and How They Can Ruin One's Day

It was going to be a good day, I could just tell. The air was crisp, the sun was shining, and everything seemed to be falling into place.

Amazing how what seemed to be the beginnings of a great day, could be ruined by one simple phone call. Maybe I'm not quite as tough as I thought, or maybe my emotional walls have been weakened as of late---either way---I was vulnerable enough to be destroyed emotionally by a single phone call, and that is just sad.

It didn't even turn out to be something uber awful, just a careless mistake on my part that can be fixed with minimal pain and suffering.

Maybe it's a pride thing, but I do not deal with personal mistakes very well---or failure of any kind for that matter. Private mistakes are bad enough, but publicly broadcasted mistakes? I would rather undergo any torture imaginable than for a stupid mistake to be unveiled for all the world to see.

A bit of a character flaw?


Am I working on it?


Am I making any headway?

Not so much.


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