Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Of Weekly Crisis, and Ulcers...

Spoke with my bosses boss today. Nice fellow. If he grew a beard and walked around wearing baggy red pants and a wife beater you would swear he was Santa Clause.

But I digress.

While speaking to my bosses boss, he made the comment that my division (which is brand spankin' new) was going to give him an ulcer (something that is not entirely a joking matter for a man of his size and stress level).

It was at this point that I realized something. My division has a huge crisis every week, sometimes twice a week. Believe me, I try to plan ahead and keep everything organized, but we started off trying to do way more than we were capable of, causing us to fall more and more behind as the weeks go on. How unhealthy is this?

Every week I reach the point where I jump every time the phone rings, just knowing that it's our largest customer telling us that they have decided to go with another supplier, or perhaps an irate contractor wondering why his job has been delayed due to material shortages. Getting chewed out ever now and then is normal, comes with the territory, but every week? Multiple times? I don't think so.

Ever get the feeling you are on a sinking ship? My division has the ability to make so much money, as the market in Florida is completely untapped, but we suffer from poor planning, and poor planning has the ability to kill an operation.

So I sit here at my desk, hoping and praying that things work out for the best, and we somehow pull ahead and have a chance to take a breath.

Is that wishful thinking?


Do I really believe it's possible?



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